
The Flemish Centre for Art Archives is a hub for the distributed care of art archives and legacies. The organisation works autonomously from within the M HKA and focusses on the conservation, sustainable public access and effective field development of visual art archives under public and private management. To this end, the CKV provides the services required to archive creators and legacy managers, identifies archive potential and expertise and deploys its own expertise to serve the field of visual art archives and legacies in Flanders.

CKV’s core purpose is to assign art archives a place in the public space. Through this, we try to raise awareness about and engage the field of art archives by promoting research on, contextualisation and social activation of these archives. The CKV takes a number of initiatives to this end, but primarily works with the networks it has in place.

Over the course of the start-up years (2019-2020), CKV will develop a field map that provides an overview of art archives in Flanders. The extent of the needs and demand for support can be gauged by collecting data on a broad scale, which will lead to a more finely attuned service.

Anyone interested in registering their archive can visit the following form.